What is a verbal contract?
Does it count?
Verbal contracts
Verbal contracts are spoken agreements between two parties to do something, buy something, or sell something. Generally, verbal contracts can be legally binding, but can be difficult to enforce. Verbal contracts are most effective when they are simple, easy to understand, and have some evidence of existing. Some other requirements may include:
There must be an agreement where one party proposes and the other party accepts the proposal.
Both parties must give something up in exchange for the verbal contract.
The exchange must have some actual value.
Both parties must be aware they are entering into a contract, and what the terms are.
If fraud or duress is claimed, this may prevent enforcement of the verbal contract.
Verbal contracts in Washington State
Are verbal contracts binding in Washington State? In general, yes, they can be. Certain agreements require a written contract, but general verbal agreements to perform a function are legally enforceable if they meet the criteria. Unlike written and signed documents, verbal contracts are more difficult to enforce because the exact terms of the agreement are harder to prove. If you are in need of assistance with a verbal contract (or you need an agreement formally drafted into a written contract), consider a consultation with a Funke Law Firm business attorney to determine your options!
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