What is an advance medical directive?

Advance medical directive

An advance medical directive, also known as a healthcare directive or a living will, is a legal document with instructions to be carried out in the event that a person cannot make decisions for themself due to injury, illness, or other incapacitation. Advance medical directives often provide specific medical instructions regarding resuscitation in end-of life medical situations including terminal illnesses. 

Durable power of attorney

Advance Medical Directives come in the form of a personal set of instructions about health care, but they can also be the assigning of power of attorney. Durable power of attorney authorizes another person to make decisions regarding the incapacitated person’s health.

WA State living will

In Washington State, you can choose either an Advance Medical Directive or to appoint someone to decide for you with Durable Power of Attorney. There are certain rules and regulations when following either option. According to the office of the WA State Attorney General, the following requirements must be observed.

If creating an Advance Medical Directive: 

  • Two people must witness the process of completing the living will.

  • The witnesses present cannot be related to the individual or stand to inherit anything from him or her.

  • The living will becomes legal after all witnesses, and the person who has filled out the document, have signed it.

If creating a Durable Power of Attorney:

  • Any adult 18 years of age or older, and of sound mind may complete this legal document.

  • When completing a Durable Power of Attorney, a person must decide when the document will take effect.

  • You may put language in your living will asking the person named in the durable power of attorney to abide by the wishes you have expressed in your living will.

Our experienced attorneys at Funke Law Firm can help you decide the best course of action when it comes to your advance medical directive. Our thorough process will help you decide how and what to include in your directive and to ensure that it is clear and legal. If you are considering an Advance Medical Directive, contact Funke Law Firm today!

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